Assistive products for activities and participation relating to personal mobility and transportation

Products intended to support or replace a persons capacity to move indoors and outdoors or to transfer from one place to another.
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Gepard Lightweight Rollator from Mobilex

Gepard Lightweight Rollator from Mobilex

Smart and functional lightweight rollator (only 5,1kg)
Safe, stable, and foldable
Can be used out- and inside
Color: Yellow, Purple/Black, Black
Seat width: 60 cm
Comes with:
-A seat in strong nylon
-Sticks holder
-Back belt that provides safety and support
-Easily removable shopping bag with two large handles
-Hand brake
-Tilt pedal
-Parking brake

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ITongue is developed for users, who have a spinal cord injury and are unable to operate conventional wheelchair controllers. ITongue is a device that fits inside the mouth and is controlled by the patients tongue. Itongue can be used to control both an electrical wheelchair, as well as e.g. computer mouse/keyboard, smartphones and tablets.

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Ictrl is an Application on Smartphone/Tablet and is controlled via users finger. Ictrl helps user integrate more systems into one unit. It means, a user can at the same time work online, control his wheelchair and other bluetooth systems (Computer, Tablet, Television, Smarthome control).

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GH3 Lifting module

GH3 Lifting module

GH3 ceiling mounted system is easy to understand & use. Lifting procedures is done safe & comfortable for all. GH3 with the timeless design can be optimally adapted to individual needs both in terms of function, specifications & investment budget. Can lift up to 350 kg with 1 hanger & 500 kg with 2 straps with a lifting speed up to 60 mm / sec

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Guldmann A/S
Graham Bells Vej 21-23 A
8200 Århus N