Assistive products for stimulating senses with sound

Assistive products for sound therapy and stimulation of senses with sound waves. Included are, e.g. tinnitus masks.


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The Muscial Teddy Bear Arthur

The Muscial Teddy Bear Arthur

The Musical Teddy Bear Arthur has a soft and luxurious fur. He is not only good company and can give comfort, he can also play music for the user.
His left paw has a poke button. Give it a squeeze and youll feel a little click. The click starts or stops the music and is the only control you use on a daily basis.

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Sound Oasis Bluetooth stereo speaker with natural sounds

Sound Oasis Bluetooth stereo speaker with natural sounds

On an already inserted micro SD card there are 10 therapies, including wave noise, white noise, heartbeat, birdwatching and rain. The sounds are 8 hours long, so you can have a full nights sleep with the sound running continuously and without disturbance

Add to My list A/S
Jakob Dannefærds Vej 14, kld., tv.
1973 Frederiksberg C

SleepPhones A/S
Jakob Dannefærds Vej 14, kld., tv.
1973 Frederiksberg C

Sound Oasis

Sound Oasis

Sound therapy devices that are good for sleep problems, stress, tinnitus, relaxation and masking noise. Also for children.
Sound Oasis provides advanced sound therapy with professional sound quality. Equipped with patented sleep enhancement technology, wh

Add to My list A/S
Jakob Dannefærds Vej 14, kld., tv.
1973 Frederiksberg C