Clothing for sensory stimulation

Clothing stimulating the sensory nervous system for improving body consciousness and calming anxiety, including ball-, compression-, weight- and balancevests, weight collars etc.


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Protac SensOn - a sensory-stimulating collar

Protac SensOn - a sensory-stimulating collar

Protac SensOn is a sensory stimulating helping aid that stimulates neck, shoulders and chest. The collar is designed to naturally fit the body and is comfortable and discreet to wear.
It has a soft lining in the neck and it is made of a washable material. The collar is available in 4 sizes.

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Niels Bohrs Vej 31 D, Stilling
8660 Skanderborg

Fiber Weight Vest - weight and soft comfort, all in one

Fiber Weight Vest - weight and soft comfort, all in one

The Fiber weight vest is a vest without hard units as weight. It both stimulates the sense to feel the body and is comfortable to wear at the same time. Its designed to look as an ordinary down vest. Fiber fibres creates the necessary weight.

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Protac MyFit - a sensory stimulating ball vest

Protac MyFit - a sensory stimulating ball vest

Protac MyFit stimulate the sense of touch and the muscle-joint sense through deep and dynamic touch-pressure and helps children, teenagers, adults and elderly with motor e.g. motor unrest, anxiety and lack of concentration. The movement of the balls in the vest stimulate and improves the body awareness, providing calmness to body and mind.

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Niels Bohrs Vej 31 D, Stilling
8660 Skanderborg

ABRACE Poncho - 3 el. 6 kg

ABRACE Poncho - 3 el. 6 kg

ABRACE Poncho is placed around the neck and shoulder area. The weight gives a sense of embrace and security, which calms the body and increases body awareness and increases concentration. ABRACE Poncho can be worn anywhere and comes with a cushion that easily zips on / off the poncho.
ABRACE Poncho is part of the ABRACE Sansestol concept.

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Weight vest

Weight vest

We offer a weight vest with natural filling. Shape and color is decided by the person who is going to wear it. We use normal clothes and change it into a weight vest. We use cherrystones or grapeseeds as filling.

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KINETIK VX1 - Weight Vest

KINETIK VX1 - Weight Vest

KINETIK VX1 provides increased stability in balance problems as it contributes to the stimulation and activation of the bodys muscles, which will help the user during walking and other physical activities.
The weight vest is adjustable and the weight load can therefore be adjusted to remedy and support where the users greatest challenges are.

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