
Scarves for use when dribbling.


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Droolingscharfs for young people

Droolingscharfs for young people

Trendy en handy scarfs for young people who drools.
They look like trendy shawls but absorb the mooist. Due to the many vouws in the shawl, bigger amount of fluid wil stay in the shawl instead op on the clothes.
The shawl is to be closed in the neck with bottons.
Can be washed repeatly and may in de dryer.
Because it is okay to be cool

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co/Holst Nielsen, Badstuestræde 8
5610 Assens

Favne Scarf

Favne Scarf

Drooling scarves for children with special needs.
Sizes: unique
Ages: 3 to 12 years
Colors: sage green, sand/beige
- GOTS & OEKO-TEX 100 organic cotton
- Absorbent layer on the outside
- Waterproof layer on the inside
- Easier collection of saliva/food debris
- 3 snaps closure for different neck widths
- Imprinted product data for skin protection

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Badana Lux

Badana Lux

With extra suction between layers
PU membrane in the bottom
Looks like an ordinary scarf
Choose between:
rounded bottom - triangle bottom
Top fabrics - always in a smart color
The fabric lets the wetness run through to the absorbing layer in between
PU membrane at the bottom
ensures that your clothes doesnt get wet

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Huset Venture Storkøbenhavn
Telegrafvej 4, 2, 1. sal
2750 Ballerup

Trach bib

Huset Venture Storkøbenhavn
Telegrafvej 4, 2, 1. sal
2750 Ballerup