General purpose body positioners

Included are, e.g. cylindrical cushions, positioning wedges and back-/lumbar supports for use in beds.


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Stabilo Roll

Funder Development Aps
Hjulmagervej 4A
7100 Vejle

Stabilo Grande

Funder Development Aps
Hjulmagervej 4A
7100 Vejle

All up multi wedge - pressure-relieving cushion

All up multi wedge - pressure-relieving cushion

The All Up Multi Wedge cushion is a one-patient multifunctional wedge cushion that ensures an effective and even pressure distribution for use by both seated and supine users. For example, it can be used under the knees and for elevating oedematous (swollen) forearms and hands.

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Levabo ApS
Sverigesvej 20a
8660 Skanderborg

Positioning cushions for surgical patients

Positioning cushions for surgical patients

Pressure relief positioning cushions for the operating room adjust to the body contours and is pressure relieving for pressure ulcer prevention and pain relief for surgical and ICU patients.
Other rechtangular dimensions is available upon request.

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Blytækkervej 10
8800 Viborg

Soft-Lift cushions for surgical patients, pressure relief, 2 pcs

Soft-Lift cushions for surgical patients, pressure relief, 2 pcs

Soft-Lift cushions with black COMFOR OP-cover are for small lifts and support during surgery. Reduces the pressure on pressure points. Cushions and cover can be machine washed at 95C and autoclaved at 134C-tumble dried. Daily cleaning with soapy water, alcohol solution or Wet Wipe Chlorine Disinfection or similar with active chlorine 1000-1200 ppm.

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Blytækkervej 10
8800 Viborg

Immedia LeanOnMe Roll

Immedia LeanOnMe Roll

The roll can be bent, shaped, and adjusted exactly to the user needs. It can also be shaken so it becomes fuller in some areas an thinner in others. It can be shaped to support the head, back and legs. It is well suited for neurological users and people with decreased body awareness or anxiety as it provides good tactile stimulation.

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Immedia LeanOnMe Channel channel-sewn cushion

Immedia LeanOnMe Channel channel-sewn cushion

The flexible channel-sewn cushion protects, supports, and relieves. It can be rolled and shaped depending on the application. The cushion can be placed under the leg(s), between the legs, under the calves to relieve the heels, or to support an arm. In a lateral position, the cushion is good to protect exposed areas.

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Immedia LeanOnMe Wing backrest cushion with a wing

Immedia LeanOnMe Wing backrest cushion with a wing

The backrest cushion with a wing is used in a lateral position. The user lies on the wing so that the user´s own weight holds the cushion in place. Then the back is supported precisely and is stable. The cushion can also be used for supine positioning to protect exposed body parts from pressure from bed rails.

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Immedia LeanOnMe Basic traditioinal positioning cushions

Immedia LeanOnMe Basic traditioinal positioning cushions

Tradioional positioning cushions in six shapes and sizes. The cushions can be used in lateral and supine positioning to support the back, arms, legs, knees, ankles, or in a supine position to facilitate breathing. The positioning cushions can also be used to protect exposed body parts from pressure from bed rails.

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Immedia LeanOnMe Mini multi-purpose support cushion

Immedia LeanOnMe Mini multi-purpose support cushion

A small, multi-purpose support cushion. Place the cushion where smaller gaps occur between body and mattress when a person is positioned, typically, at the ankle and knee. Applying the cushion has a relaxing effect on the body part. The small cushion is the professional replacement for the duvet clip - but it does not collapse or flatten out.

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