Leg supports and foot supports

Supports mounted on or integrated in a wheelchair for supporting legs, calves or feet. Included are amputation supports and calf straps.
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Leg rest

Leg rest

Leg rest for supporting amputation. For mounting on electrical scooter. Black PU foam with metallic inlay.

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Bek Scooter A/S - Det Mobile Værksted
Vejlevej 68 A
8700 Horsens

Foot boxes

Foot boxes

Foot Boxes reduce the risk of skin breakdown and/or client injury that may result from periods of high tone or continual contact with the hangers and footplates.

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Sunrise Medical ApS
Mårkærvej 5-9
2630 Taastrup


Medema A/S, Herning-Køge
Enggårdvej 7, Snejbjerg
7400 Herning


Medema A/S, Herning-Køge
Enggårdvej 7, Snejbjerg
7400 Herning