High slings

Trunk covering slings with or without head support.


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Optislings - Universal Standard

Optislings - Universal Standard

Universal standard should only be used for those who have good head control. The Universal Standard sling is often preferred as an all-round sling for the elderly, as it supports the entire body and gives the user a feeling of comfort as well as an unobstructed view. This sling can be used for seated to seated transfers and is easy to apply.

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Invacare A/S
Sdr. Ringvej 37
2605 Brøndby

Optislings - Comfort High

Optislings - Comfort High

A sling which supports the whole body and head. Used for users with limited headsupport and for users who suffers from pains during lifting. QR code and videoguide

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Invacare A/S
Sdr. Ringvej 37
2605 Brøndby

Optislings - Comfort Standard

Optislings - Comfort Standard

A sling that supports the whole body but without headrest. For users who suffers of pains when being lifted

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Invacare A/S
Sdr. Ringvej 37
2605 Brøndby

Optislings - Comfort In Situ

Optislings - Comfort In Situ

A sit-on sling developed for users where its not possible to remove the sling after transfer. In black color and flammability-tested

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Invacare A/S
Sdr. Ringvej 37
2605 Brøndby

Comfort Disposable sling w/ head support

Comfort Disposable sling w/ head support

Engangssejlet har en lille sædeåbning og delte benstropper med speciel strop løsning, så benstropper ikke skal krydses. Sejl anvendes til forflytning fra siddende til liggende stilling. Anvendes til brugere med behov for støtte af hele kroppen og med dårlig eller ingen hovedkontrol. Sejlet giver en god opretsiddende stilling.

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Winncare Nordic ApS
Tårnborgvej 12C
4220 Korsør

Comfort Disposable w/u head support

Comfort Disposable w/u head support

Engangssejl med lille sædeåbning og delte benstropper med speciel strop løsning, så benstropper ikke skal krydses. Sejl anvendes til forflytning fra siddende til liggende stilling. Anvendes til brugere med god hovedkontrol, men som har behov for støtte af resten af kroppen. Sejlet giver en god opretsiddende stilling.

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Winncare Nordic ApS
Tårnborgvej 12C
4220 Korsør

Molift UnoSling HighBack, Single Patient Use

Molift UnoSling HighBack, Single Patient Use

Molift UnoSling HighBack is a disposable sling that can be used in hospitals and institutions. The sling is used by the same user for a shorter period, possibly until the user is discharged from hospital, after which it is discarded. UnoSling HighBack has a high back with padding on the head- and leg support.

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Full Sling

Full Sling

Full slings is used for lifting or moving a person with functional reduction in hospitals, assisted living facilities, rehabilitation centers, riding schools and in private.
Is particularly suitable for people who are unstable in the neck area. The Full Sling can be placed under the armpits or support the body completely.

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Rehab-care.dk ApS
Avnvej 10
7400 Herning

Molift EvoSling Comfort MediumBack Padded Net Sling

Molift EvoSling Comfort MediumBack Padded Net Sling

This is a full-body support sling without split leg support and with a shoulder-height back. The sling gives the user support under the entire sitting area and is ideal for users with joint problems or high sensitivity to pain. The sling is positioned under the user in the lying position.

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