Leg extenders

Devices that are placed under the legs of furniture to increase the length of the legs.
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Chair Raiser - Elephant foot

Chair Raiser - Elephant foot

This Chair Raiser can raise chairs and other furniture types 9-14 cm dependent on the model. It is made with in a simple design and is therefore easy to use. The elephant foot can support furniture legs up to 8,5 cm in diameter.
Made in hard plastik of the color grey.

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Chair, table, bedraisers - SureGrip

Chair, table, bedraisers - SureGrip

This chair raiser can be used for all types of furniture that has legs. Therefore it can be used for chairs, tables, sofas and beds. It is possible to raise the furniture with both round and square legs. The round legs can be raised 3,8 - 10 cm. The hight of square legs can be raised from 10 - 16,3 cm. Included in a set is 4 raisers.

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Leg extender

Leg extender

Set with 4 pieces. Max userweight 4 x 115 kg. Color: black. Material: plastic.

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Bed blocks, Reko

Bed blocks, Reko

Bed Blocks REKO are made of lacquered wood. Fit legs even wider than the bed blocks unless they are thicker than 3 cm. Building height: 5 cm, 7,5 cm, 10 cm, 12,5 cm. Internal size 6 x 6 cm. Weight: 753 g. Supplied individually. Price is for 1 pcs.

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