Stairlifts with seat

Lifting devices that have a seat unit attached to one or more rails and that follow the shape and angle of the staircase.
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Platinum Horizon Ligeløbs stolelift

Platinum Horizon Ligeløbs stolelift

Platinum Horizon is for stairslift for straight staircases, the chairlift is easy to mount and has a simple operation. The chairlift comes in 2 models, standard and a Plus model. Plus model has adjustable seat, which is convenient in some cases.

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Acorn Outdoor

Acorn Outdoor

A stair lift designed to resist the elements
For users who require a stairlift outside their home, Acorn can provide a fully weather-proofed stairlift ideal for outdoor use. With all of the same features and options as the Acorn Indoor, the Acorn Outdoor stairlift comes supplied with a durable waterproof cover for extra protection.

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