Non-slip materials for floors and stairs

Surface materials which minimize the danger of slipping. Included are, e.g. non-slip mats, non-slip tiles.


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Non-slip mats, Floor mat 60x45cm

Non-slip mats, Floor mat 60x45cm

Used for example in front of the bed, chair or wheelchair.
Red, blue or yellow
Made of 100 silicone, non-toxic
Non Toxic.
Without chemicals or substances such as phthalates that are banned or restricted in some parts of the EU.
Washable, including dishwasher and industrial dishwashers.
Can withstand autoclave
Safe to use anywhere.

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ProTect is a series of products for chemical anti-slip treatment.
Pack size: 5 l. Coverage 15-18 m2/l.
CombeeWorx also offers professional performed anti-slip treatment - Easy, effective in high quality and with a 5 year warranty. Contact us for a quote.

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CombeeWorx A/S
Peder Skrams Vej 5
5220 Odense SØ

CombeeWorx Home Anti-Slip

CombeeWorx Home Anti-Slip

Effective anti-slip treatment for different types of floors and surfaces.

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CombeeWorx A/S
Peder Skrams Vej 5
5220 Odense SØ

AntiSkid spray

AntiSkid spray

Anti-slip is an invisible spray which makes all kinds of stone flooring anti slip inside and outside.
Anti-slip spayes easily and quickly on all types flooring. Anti slip is effective after 5-45 minutes.
Can cover 3-5 m2 in one can.
Floors can be washed as usual.

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