Furnishings, fixtures and other assisitve products for supporting activities in indoor and outdoor human-made environments

Furniture and other products that can be placed in, incorporated into or, otherwise, added to, the built environment to facilitate movement and positioning, including entry and exit, within areas constructed for public and private use. Included are, e.g. products for sitting, standing and lying. Sets of castors, see 24 36 06. Assistive products for environmental improvement, see 27 03. Workplace furniture and furnishing elements, see 28 03.
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Etac Molded seating systems, foam (R82 Turtle)

Etac Molded seating systems, foam (R82 Turtle)

The mold is designed according to an impression of the users body, so that it provides exactly the support that the user needs. A molded foam seat is our most comfortable solution. We can make it both as a corrective solution or a supportive solution, depending on what the need is. Can be mounted on a frame of your choice.

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Etac Molded seating systems for toilet- and bath chairs (R82 Turtle)

Etac Molded seating systems for toilet- and bath chairs (R82 Turtle)

The mold is designed according to an impression of the users body, so that it provides exactly the support that the user needs. The seat can be mounted on a frame of your choice. With a molded bath and toilet chair from Etac, hygiene is a high priority and to facilitate cleaning, the insert and seat are easy to separate.

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VELA Tango 300E

VELA (Vermund Larsen A/S)
Gøteborgvej 8-12
9200 Aalborg SV

SB 755

SB 755

SB 755 offers optimum comfort with a seating positioning to minimize shear and friction. Caregivers can adjust the bed to meet individual user requirements.
Thanks to a unique feature SB 755 can be adapted to taller users. Both the head and foot end can be extended. Features provide real benefits to users and care-givers.

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Invacare A/S
Sdr. Ringvej 37
2605 Brøndby

R82 x:panda multi-adjustable seating system

R82 x:panda multi-adjustable seating system

x:panda is a multi-adjustable seat with a dynamic back, which can be delivered in 4 sizes. Each seat can be adjusted in 3 different widths and has step-less depth adjustment. The many adjustment options and the large accessory program make it possible to adapt the chair exactly to the childs needs for comfort and support.

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VELA Samba 120

VELA (Vermund Larsen A/S)
Gøteborgvej 8-12
9200 Aalborg SV

VELA Salsa 110

VELA (Vermund Larsen A/S)
Gøteborgvej 8-12
9200 Aalborg SV