Equipment for movement, strength, balance and cardio training

Products for training the muscular and cardiovascular system, balance and coordination of physiological body functions.
All product information is provided by the supplier. The National Board of Social Services is not responsible for either contents, origin, flaws and deficiencies, or any kind of damage that may occur from the use of the information. The National Board of Social Services has no authority to endorse products and does not assess the quality of the products. Hide this message.

Mini trainer

Nemmotion v/ Martin Kollerup
Enebærhegnet 86
2670 Greve



Slip counter starts after youve gone 12 steps.
Calculates distance traveled in kilometers
Calculates calories burned
Measuring time in the activity
Measures speed

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Pedometer with memory

Pedometer with memory

The personal goals can be typed, so that a column can see how close you are to the target. Remember todays step, and the 7 previous days.
Number of steps - up to 999,999 steps shown on the display
Distance traveled - up to 999.99 km
Burnt calories up to 999.99 Kcal
Display turns off automatically to save batteries
Clips included

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Twister figure trimmer

Twister figure trimmer

The number of twist counted, and handles sits on rubber bands, so the arms and upper body also can be trained. Elasticity of the skin will be increased. Stopwatch or timer. Display shows calories burned.
CONTENTS: The unit incl. battery and Danish manual.

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Pedal and hand trainer

Pedal and hand trainer

The pedaltrainer has foot pedals with straps and a pole with a handle for the training of hands / arms.
Large screw to adjust the load to both hands and feet.
The height of the arms are height adjustable.
The bar for training the arms can take off so the bike can be used alone to his feet.

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