Air mattresses, dynamic

Mattresses made of synthetic or latex material, which can be filled with air and used together with a power unit, which provide a continuously changing pressure in the mattress where parts of the body periodically are entirely relieved from pressure. Included are dynamic combination mattresses of air and e.g. foam and dynamic air mattresses divided into sections.


Air mattress filled with both air and other material e.g. foam or water
Divided into sections with differing construction with respect to various parts of the body.
cm (± 5 cm)
cm (± 3 cm)
cm (± 3 cm)
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Pro-care Auto

ZiboCare A/S
Præstemarksvej 67, Hatting
8700 Horsens

arsos light system

arsos light system

air foam Hybridsystem, hole mattress.

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Surcon Care line ApS
Baunevej 7, Nim
8740 Brædstrup

Pro-care 4

ZiboCare A/S
Præstemarksvej 67, Hatting
8700 Horsens

Mercury Advance

Mercury Advance

Dyna-Form Mercury Advance combines the benefits of modern foam technology with the benefits of a high / very high risk dynamic replacement system. Offering high levels of patient comfort, this unique system has the facility to step up to that of a dynamic mattress when clinically required. Similarly the function can be downgraded if needed

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Direct Healthcare Group Danmark A/S
Stensmosevej 24C
2620 Albertslund