Knee covers

Knee covers encompass the legs up to above the knees and are used when sitting. The user is not sitting on the knee cover.


cm (± 3 cm)
cm (± 3 cm)
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Poncho for wheelchair

Poncho for wheelchair

Poncho which covers the legs and feet. The poncho are fastened behind the back.

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Seniorshop ApS
Søborg Hovedgade 44
2860 Søborg

Wheelchair cover

Wheelchair cover

Practical wheelchair cover for use with wheelchairs and electric scooter.
Dimensions 115 x 145 cm. marine
Open bottom.
Closes with velcro.
Driving battle is waterproof.

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Seniorshop ApS
Søborg Hovedgade 44
2860 Søborg

PU leg cape

Bek Scooter A/S - Det Mobile Værksted
Vejlevej 68 A
8700 Horsens

Køreslag, termo, blå

Medema A/S, Herning-Køge
Enggårdvej 7, Snejbjerg
7400 Herning



Water ressistant driverblacket with foer and reflexes. Perfect to keeping the cold out.

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Lindebjerg A/S
Stensgårdvej 14
5500 Middelfart