Snake-shaped positioning cushions for general purposes

Long and bendable cushions for positioning.


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Den bløde Banan X-Small

Den bløde Banan X-Small

Den bløde banan er U-formet. Placer den f.eks under nakke og skulderparti og lad arme hvile på puden.

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ZiboCare A/S
Præstemarksvej 67, Hatting
8700 Horsens

Decubitus Lateral X-Small

Decubitus Lateral X-Small

Decubitus lateral er S-formet. Formålet er aflastning i sideleje for at opnå 30 grader sideleje. Ligger lateralt langs kroppen fra hoved til fodende. Kan også anvendes frontalt i maveleje for at opnå optimal respiration.

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ZiboCare A/S
Præstemarksvej 67, Hatting
8700 Horsens

Cylinder X-Small

Cylinder X-Small

Cylinderpuden kan anvendes til mange formål. F.eks til elevering af hæle, mellem benene, som støtte til ryg i sideleje.

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ZiboCare A/S
Præstemarksvej 67, Hatting
8700 Horsens

Comfort Padding

Comfort Padding

Comfort Padding provides security and calms motoric and mental turmoil. It consists of two arms, which surround the body as well as a velcro strap that holds the arms in place.
The padding is made of incontinens cover.
Can be mounted on most furniture and wheelchairs.
Available for both children and adults. Can also be customized for special needs.

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ProComfort Aps
Broholmvej 9
5463 Harndrup