
Peelers for e.g. potatoes, fruit and wegetables.


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Potato peeler - With plastic handle

Potato peeler - With plastic handle

Potato peeler with plastic handle, which magnifies the handle so that it is easier to hold. Suitable for nickel allergy sufferers. Cleaning: Can be machine washed.

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Danish CARE Supply A/S
Alsikevej 8
8920 Randers NV

Potato peeler - With suction cups

Potato peeler - With suction cups

Potato peeler on pads which can be pressed onto a flat surface. Suitable for single hand users. Cleaning: Can be machine washed. Length: 18 cm. Weight: 110 g.

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Danish CARE Supply A/S
Alsikevej 8
8920 Randers NV

Good Grip Y-peeler

Good Grip Y-peeler

Good Grips Y-peeler with a wide and comfortable handle that is suitable for people with reduced function in the hands. Material: The cutting blade is made of stainless steel. Dimensions: 14.5 cm. Cleaning: Can be machine washed at max. 65 degrees.

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Danish CARE Supply A/S
Alsikevej 8
8920 Randers NV

Good Grip Potato peeler

Good Grip Potato peeler

Potato peeler with a secure grip - even when wet. Suitable for people with reduced strength in the fingers and hands. Material: The blade is stainless steel. Cleaning: Can be machine washed.

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Danish CARE Supply A/S
Alsikevej 8
8920 Randers NV