Other positioning cushions for general purposes

Excluded are rectangular, wedge shaped, snake shaped, cylindrical, or half-moon shaped cushions.


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My7 Supportive Pillow

Astrid Leisner & Søn ApS
Korsvangcentret 2
5610 Assens

MyO Supportive Pillow

Astrid Leisner & Søn ApS
Korsvangcentret 2
5610 Assens

Fossflakes SideSleeper Pillow with white cotton sateen cover

Fossflakes SideSleeper Pillow with white cotton sateen cover

If you sleep mainly on your side, the Fossflakes SideSleeper offers extra support for you to find a comfortable position. The pillows curvature creates an ergonomic L-shape, cradling your head, shoulder and neck, reducing strain on your neck and upper back. Perfect support for side-sleeping. Helps align your neck and spine correctly.

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Fossflakes Chiropratic pillow with white cotton sateen cover

Fossflakes Chiropratic pillow with white cotton sateen cover

Fossflakes Chiropractic has been developed by chiropractor couple Karina and Peter Gyrst. Ergonomically engineered. Special 4-zone construction enhances the supportive properties. Reduces painful tension in neck, shoulders and upper back. Optimal support and stretch for your neck line. Supports your necks progressive curve optimally.

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Trekanten X-small

Trekanten X-small

Trekanten kan anvendes til mange formål. Placer under knæene i rygleje, som rygstøtte i sideleje eller som arm aflastning i sideleje ved placering i abdomenområdet.

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ZiboCare A/S
Præstemarksvej 67, Hatting
8700 Horsens

Back Support Pillows

Back Support Pillows

Available in Small and Large

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Scan-Med A/S
Dalgårdsvej 17
8220 Brabrand