Desktop video magnifiers with an integrated monitor (CCTV)

Desktop video magnifiers with an integrated monitor that display an enlarged image of e.g. a text or an image.


Diagonal measure
" (± 1 ")
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MagniLink Zip FHD 17

LVI Danmark ApS
Hørkær 24, st. tv
2730 Herlev

MagniLink Zip FHD 13

LVI Danmark ApS
Hørkær 24, st. tv
2730 Herlev

Acrobat HD Ultra

Acrobat HD Ultra

Electronic magnifying devices for use on a table, with auto-focusing camera, allowing the user to see up close (e.g. during reading), see objects at a distance, and everything inbetween. Several options for electronic colour and contrast enhancements of the viewed image.

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Lysoglup ApS
Erhvervsvej 30
2610 Rødovre