Adjustable office chairs without brake

Chairs with adjustable backrest, adjustable seat and gas spring operated height adjustment. Typically five legs with wheels.


Seat and back rest can be adjusted through body movements.
The vertical distance between the floor and the seat surface measured at the centre point of the seat. Measured with the seat as close as possible to the horizontal and the seat in the lowest position.
The vertical distance between the floor and the seat surface measured at the centre point of the seat. Measured with the seat as close as possible to the horizontal and the seat in the highest position.
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Malmstolen R4 Kontorstol, medium

Malmstolen R4 Kontorstol, medium

Selve sædet på R4 stolen benytter sig af det patenterede Pascal system, som er lavet af det kendte DUX firma, der også producerer senge. Fjedersystemet gør at du føler dig rigtig godt tilrette i stolen. Denne stol fås også med høj ryg. Og der kan tilkøbes armlæn og nakkestøtte

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Malmstolen Classic 4000 kontorstol

Malmstolen Classic 4000 kontorstol

Med denne kontorstol for du optimal siddekomfort og kroppen balanceres i din foretrukne position. Model 4000 er en arbejdsstol med knæ-vippefunktion, hvor bevægelses-akslen er placeret lige under den forreste kant af sædet. Tilten kan bevæge sig fra 17 grader bagud til 4 grader fremad.
Armlæn og nakkestøtte kan tilkøbes.

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