Accessories for indicators

Included are transmittors, repeaters and other accessories for indicators with visual, acoustic or mechanical signals.


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baby monitor

Tonax A/S
Niels Bohrs Vej 15
8660 Skanderborg

Puzzle Repeater Pro

Puzzle Repeater Pro

Puzzle Pro system signal module that extends the transmit range between the Puzzle Pro devices. Repeater Pro ensures that the user can use the Puzzle Pro alarm system over long distances. The signal module extends the transmit range between the Puzzle Pro alarm transmitters and the alarm receivers by up to 100 meters at clear view.

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Phonic Ear A/S
Kongebakken 9
2765 Smørum

Bluetooth transmitter in Visit system

Bluetooth transmitter in Visit system

Bluetooth phone transmitter. Easy pair to mobile phone. You can be notified of callers via Visit recipients, be woken up. Calls or messages immediately trigger alarms through the Visit system, for answere your calls and SMS.
The BE1432 can also be connected to landline telephone.
Batteries: 2 pcs. AA 1.5 V included

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Scantone A/S
Stestrupvej 86 B
4360 Kr. Eskilstrup