Belts without shoulder fixation

Mounted fittings to secure the position of the pelvis or torso. The shoulder region not included.


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Standard 2-point w/Push Button Buckle (metal)

Standard 2-point w/Push Button Buckle (metal)

2-point Pelvic Positioning Belts provide simple, secure support of the pelvis over a minimal contact surface area.

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Sunrise Medical ApS
Mårkærvej 5-9
2630 Taastrup

Hip Belt

Rolko Scandinavia ApS
Suensonsvej 2
8600 Silkeborg

Hip Belts

Rolko Scandinavia ApS
Suensonsvej 2
8600 Silkeborg

Hip belts

Rolko Scandinavia ApS
Suensonsvej 2
8600 Silkeborg

Hip belts

Rolko Scandinavia ApS
Suensonsvej 2
8600 Silkeborg

Hip belts

Rolko Scandinavia ApS
Suensonsvej 2
8600 Silkeborg

Hip belts

Rolko Scandinavia ApS
Suensonsvej 2
8600 Silkeborg

Hip Belt - 4 Point

Rolko Scandinavia ApS
Suensonsvej 2
8600 Silkeborg