Assistive products for stimulating senses by physical touch

Assistive product for stimulation of senses by static or dynamic physical touch. Included are, e.g. covers, cushions, clothing, brushes, balls for sensory stimulation.
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CloudCuddle Junior

CloudCuddle Junior

CloudCuddle is a transportable bed tent which limits the user from falling out of the bed. The bed tent also provides shielding from the surroundings and reduces sensory input such as sound and light.

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Hugged Weighted Blanket - Adult

Hugged Weighted Blanket - Adult

The Hugged weighted blanket is a sensory-stimulating quilt.

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Nordlandsvej 88C
8240 Risskov

Fiber Weight Duvet FUTURA - For Children

Fiber Weight Duvet FUTURA - For Children

The Fiberduvet is available for children. Size: width 100 cm x length 125 cm. Weights 2,3 kg, 3,7 kg, 5 kg.

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The pillow has natural filling and used as a comforter during sleep or other situations. The shape is individual.

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