Urine chutes

Devices to direct urine from the body into, e.g. a toilet.


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Tislet / Pee Easy

Tislet / Pee Easy (discontinued)

Tislet (original Danish name), Pee Easy, Female urinary device. Triangled tube for females to pee through. Peeing can be done standing, without the need for exposure. One time use ensures the hygiene. Comes in a plastic bag bundled with napkins for cleaning.Can also be used by men who wish to urinate sitting in an ordinary chair or wheelchair.

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Supplier discontinued

Lady P

Lady P (discontinued)

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Else O Sygeplejerske og specialist i sexologisk rådgivning
Nordtoft 34
9000 Aalborg

Urine chutes

Urine chutes (discontinued)

urine chutes

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Apodan A/S
Lyngsø Alle 3
2970 Hørsholm

Hans Prom Olesen
Priorgade 7B, 2. tv.
4180 Sorø

Supplier discontinued

Stand-Up (discontinued)

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Thy Pap
N.A. Christensensvej 35 B
7900 Nykøbing Mors