Room loop systems from Sicom A/S

Loop systems and loop amplifiers using electromagnetic waves to transmit audio information to hearing aids and cochlear implants with telecoil. Used in one or more rooms.


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8 product series.
Ampetronic CLD-series

Sicom A/S
Kollens Møllevej 30
8464 Galten

Supplier discontinued

Ampetronic CLS-series

Sicom A/S
Kollens Møllevej 30
8464 Galten

Supplier discontinued

Ampetronic MLD-series

Sicom A/S
Kollens Møllevej 30
8464 Galten

Supplier discontinued

Ampetronic ILD-series

Sicom A/S
Kollens Møllevej 30
8464 Galten

Supplier discontinued

Ampetronic D-series

Sicom A/S
Kollens Møllevej 30
8464 Galten

Supplier discontinued


TS-150 (discontinued)

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Sicom A/S
Kollens Møllevej 30
8464 Galten

Supplier discontinued

Transett 32

Sicom A/S
Kollens Møllevej 30
8464 Galten

Supplier discontinued


AutoMini (discontinued)

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Sicom A/S
Kollens Møllevej 30
8464 Galten

Supplier discontinued