Assistive products for training in finger spelling

Products for training in, and learning, finger spelling, i.e. tactile communication for deaf blind people.
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103 Haptic Signals - a handbook

103 Haptic Signals - a handbook (discontinued)

103 Haptic Signals is a handbook with the most used haptic signals in Denmark for deafblinds and people with hearing and visual problems. By using haptic signals on the back or shoulder, you can get the same information as other people get visually and thereby you can participate just like others in the social interaction. Published in 2010.

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Foreningen Danske DøvBlinde - FDDB
Blekinge Boulevard 2
2630 Taastrup

LORM glove and booklet

LORM glove and booklet (discontinued)

The booklet shows how to write letters in the palm of the hand by using the LORM alphabet. Very usefuld if you have problems hearing what the conversation is about. The dots and lines on the glove show exactly where to draw the LORM letters.

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Foreningen Danske DøvBlinde - FDDB
Blekinge Boulevard 2
2630 Taastrup

Tactile signales for deafblind people

Tactile signales for deafblind people (discontinued)

Series of dvds showing how an interpretor kan communicate extra information to deafblind people. Without interrupting the conversation, you can i.e. tell that coffee is being served by giving a signal on the shoulder, or guide to the correct buttons on the computer keyboard.

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Foreningen Danske DøvBlinde - FDDB
Blekinge Boulevard 2
2630 Taastrup