Pulse oximeters

Assistive products for the non-invasive measurement of arterial blood oxygen saturation.


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Pulse oximeters for monetoring

Pulse oximeters for monetoring

Pulse oximeters (saturation meters) for monitoring over a longer period of time, e.g. over night. The pulse oximeters can be set to alarm if the pulse or oxygen saturation falls outside certain limits

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Finger tip pulseoximeter

Finger tip pulseoximeter

A digital fingertip pulse oximeter for reading the SPO2 i blood.
A Digital Fingertip Pulse Oximeter
Product highlights include:
Proven Accuracy & Durability
Automatic on/off operation
Cost Effective
No additional sensors needed

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Industrivej 1
4200 Slagelse

Pulse oximeter

Pulse oximeter

The pulse oximeter measures blood oxygen saturation (SpO2) and shows your exact pulse.

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