Other stimulators from Lysterapi.dk A/S

Assistive products for stimulating neurological and biochemical functions in the body.


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2 product series.
Sleep glasses

Sleep glasses

With sleep glasses on for 1.5 to 3 hours before going to bed, you sleep better and give the body more of the important sleep hormone melatonin.
Tested successfully at Kolding Hospital. Article on website.

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Lysterapi.dk A/S
Jakob Dannefærds Vej 14, kld., tv.
1973 Frederiksberg C

Sleep mask Glo to Sleep

Sleep mask Glo to Sleep

Glo to Sleep is not an ordinary sleeping mask. When looking at the small bright spots inside Glo to Sleep, you have to look up with your eyes to see them. This motion with the eyes upwards causes the brain to change from the fast beta oscillations to the more slow alpha oscillations.

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Lysterapi.dk A/S
Jakob Dannefærds Vej 14, kld., tv.
1973 Frederiksberg C