Daylight therapy lamps from Lysoglup ApS

Therapy lamps with a colour temperature of at least 4000 Kelvin, used for the treatment of, e.g. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).


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2 product series.


SAD lamp & desk lamp with 3 colour temperature options
Effortlessly alternate between light therapy mode and desk lamp mode
Choice of Daylight 6,000K, Cool light 4,000K and Warm light 2,700K in both modes
Tested to Medical Safety Standard EN/IEC 60601-1

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Kickstart not only your creativity but your health and wellness. With an ever-growing spirit of development and ambition, we have innovated an effective treatment to SAD that is also the perfect tool for illuminating workspaces and reducing eyestrain while enjoying hobbies or carrying out everyday tasks.

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