Clothing for sensory stimulation

Clothing stimulating the sensory nervous system for improving body consciousness and calming anxiety, including ball-, compression-, weight- and balancevests, weight collars etc.


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Cap On, Kids

Cap On, Kids

Cap for kids with 5 ergonomic ´pearls´who stimulates on the skalp. Cap on is used by young/adults with Stress and frightness.
The 5 points in the cap, stimulates acupressurepoints,who gives free our Serotonin(substans off happiness).
Serotonin transformed into Melatonin.Melatonin is our sleeping substans-witchs gives deeper,faster and better sleep.

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Night Cap On - Adaults and kids

Night Cap On - Adaults and kids

Night Cap with ergonomic ´pearls´ for self stimulate
acupressure points on scalp.
With stimulation The 5 points on the skalp, the body releases Serotonin - our signal substans for happiness. Serotonin transformed to melatonin - so we sleep faster and deeper.

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Cap for adults with 5 ergonomic ´pearls´who stimulates on the skalp.Cap on is used by young/adults with Stress and frightness.The 5 points in the cap, stimulates acupressurepoints,who gives free our Serotonin(substans off happiness)Serotonin transformed into Melatonin.Melatonin is our sleeping substans-withs gives us deeper,faster and better sleep.

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The BalanceWear vest, utilizing a discrete weight system, delivers sensoric information to the nervous system, and thereby effects the ability to maintain balance. Flexible weights are fitted to the vest, with a velcro system. The Vest is light and there are two versions one with a lumbar support and one without.

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SF Medical ApS
Skodsborg Strandvej 125 A
2942 Skodsborg