Furniture for sensory stimulation from PROTAC A/S

Furniture stimulating the sensory nervous system for improving body consciousness and calming anxiety, including rocking chairs, ball chairs and sensory stimulating mattresses.


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6 product series.
Protac SenSit Straight

Protac SenSit Straight

Sensory stimulating and comfortable chair with balls focusing on mental calm. The chair has a firm foam edge around the seat is specially designed for users with difficulties getting up and sitting down. The malleable ball content in the wings embraces and relaxes the user with a feeling of motor and mental calm.

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Niels Bohrs Vej 31 D, Stilling
8660 Skanderborg

Protac SenSit Puff

Protac SenSit Puff

Protac SenSit Puff. The stool can be used with the Protac SenSit chair as foot/leg support, or it can be used to sit on. The point pressure from the plastic balls placed uppermost in the stool stimulate a better body awareness.

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Niels Bohrs Vej 31 D, Stilling
8660 Skanderborg

Protac SenSit - sensory stimulating chair with balls

Protac SenSit - sensory stimulating chair with balls

A specially-designed sensory stimulation chair which envelops the user and has a soothing effect. The SenSit can be usd as a regular chair, where the balls provide stimulation in the seat and back. The side and neck wings can also be pulled over the body, for added stimulation and better relaxation.

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Niels Bohrs Vej 31 D, Stilling
8660 Skanderborg

Protac SenSit Nature Puff

Niels Bohrs Vej 31 D, Stilling
8660 Skanderborg

Protac SenSit Nature

Protac SenSit Nature

Protac SenSit Nature is a sensory stimulating ball chair for outdoor usage. The sensory stimulating effect of the chair helps the user to organize the many sensory input fra the nature and makes it possible to enjoy the positive calming effect from the wind and sun.

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Niels Bohrs Vej 31 D, Stilling
8660 Skanderborg

Protac BallBase

Protac BallBase

A sensory stimulating mattress pad with balls to be used in both ordinary beds and hospital beds. The moving balls stimulate the muscle-and-joint-sense and the tactile sens and have a calming effect on the body and the sleep

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Niels Bohrs Vej 31 D, Stilling
8660 Skanderborg