Cuddle toy for sensory stimulation

Soft toy stimulating the sensory nervous system for improving body consciousness and calming anxiety. Included are, e.g. weighted cuddle toy.


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Weight animals the elephants Fandus and Mindus 2,5 kg

Weight animals the elephants Fandus and Mindus 2,5 kg

With his big ears and calm eyes, Fandus and Mindus is completely irresistible. Many children can greatly benefit from sensory-stimulating gravity products that create a safe and enveloping feeling around the body. The weight stimulates the sense of touch and helps to create relaxation. The elephant is toy approved DS/En 71-1 and DS/EN-2

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Aid for stressed bodies Big and small Bent, Mega Bent

Aid for stressed bodies Big and small Bent, Mega Bent

Bent is a heavy, but lovely soft sloth which can be used for citizens with stressed boddies.
How to use Bent? Bent is placed on the lap and then the arms are lifted over the shoulders, so the user feels the pressure on the front of the shoulders that helps stimulate the senses.

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Oliz/Koko-Nora Aps
Orionvej 2A
7430 Ikast

Weight monkey BALOU 4 kg

Weight monkey BALOU 4 kg

Balou acts as an aid for both children and adults, and it helps to promote body awareness, create calm and relaxation.
The heavy arms allow Balou to hang on the shoulder and give the child or the adult a feeling of being embraced, which contributes to calmness and security.
Used in institutions, residences, nursing homes and schools.

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Baby Bent sloth

Oliz/Koko-Nora Aps
Orionvej 2A
7430 Ikast

Rita weight toy

Oliz/Koko-Nora Aps
Orionvej 2A
7430 Ikast