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2 product series.
Tempur wedge
Tempur wedge / cushion pad designed to relieve pressure on the back. The pillow is aimed at everyone who has to sit down for a long time, for example. at work. The shape of the scalp makes the hips pushed forward so that the backs are straightened up.
Add to My listAskovgaard
Nørre Alle 27
2600 Glostrup
+45 21 25 43 02
Wedge - 11 degree angle
If you work at a desk, a cushion can be a simple solution to avoid back problems.
This Putnams cushion adjusts a horizontal seat to an 11 degree angle, giving you a more correct seat position and removes the pressure on your back.
Can be used advantageously in any chair, ie. wheelchair, car, sofa or office chair
Nørre Alle 27
2600 Glostrup
+45 21 25 43 02