Balls for training

Balls for training strength and balance, intended to carry the body weight.


cm (± 5 cm)
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Træningsbold Refit Basic

Træningsbold Refit Basic

Træningsbold fra svenske Refit i høj kvalitet. Fremstillet af blød PVC og uden ftalaterne (syntetiske stoffer). Designet med et anti-burst-system, som sikrer bolden kan holde til stort pres. Kan bestilles i enten 60 cm eller 70 cm. Perfekt til hjemmetræning eller som stol på kontoret.

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Pilates ball from X-Care - 23 cm - black

Pilates ball from X-Care - 23 cm - black

Pilates Ball.
Phthalate free small, lightweight exercise ball.
Many posibilities / variations of functional stabilitytraining and balance.
Can be used advantageously to train abdomen, inner thigh, back, etc.
Often used for pilates and effect training.
Easily inflatable and air is easily removed, making it handy to store.
Training guide is included

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K.C. Pedersen
Helgeshøj Alle 10 st. th
2630 Tåstrup

Redondo Ball from TOGU - 22 cm - gray

Redondo Ball from TOGU - 22 cm - gray

Small, lightweight exercise ball with many variabilities for functional training of stability and balance in the body.
The redondobold can advantageously be used to train a flat stomach and firm inner thigh.
With the redondobold you can also strengthen your back and muscles in the backbone, abdominal muscles etc.

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K.C. Pedersen
Helgeshøj Alle 10 st. th
2630 Tåstrup