Tilting tables from Rehab-care.dk ApS

Platforms for positioning and supporting a person while progressively moving him/her from a lying position to an upright position so that the body can adapt to functioning in that position.


The horizontal mattress support platform can be adjusted into a position where the head end is at least 12 degrees below horizontal.
The maximum width of the tilting table.
cm (± 3 cm)
Measured from the foot support till the upper edge
cm (± 5 cm)
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2 product series.
Tilt couch

Tilt couch

Tilt function for rehabilitation, blood tests and patients with syncope. Can be tilted 0-90 degrees and adjust the height at 0 degrees. Equipped with accessory rails on both sides of the armrests and straps. Grade meter with indicator.

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Sliding tilt table

Sliding tilt table

Tilt function and sliding tilt table for rehabilitation, blood tests and patients with syncope. Can be tilted 0-90 degrees and adjust the height at 0 degrees.

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