Ankle-foot orthoses from Seniorshop ApS

Orthoses that encompass the ankle joint and the whole or part of the foot.


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12 product series.
Ankle orthoses, Push Ortho Aequi

Ankle orthoses, Push Ortho Aequi

An effective anklesupport that gives support on the inside.

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Seniorshop ApS
Søborg Hovedgade 44
2860 Søborg

Elastic ankle orthoses

Elastic ankle orthoses

Gives a light support of the foot-ankle joint.
Material: Lycra, cotton, polyamid.
Velcro lock makes it easy to take it on and off.
Size: S-XXL

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Seniorshop ApS
Søborg Hovedgade 44
2860 Søborg

Elastic ankle orthoses

Elastic ankle orthoses

Light-weight ankle support, with good compression.
Provides lightweight support of the ankle joint and good compression.
Indications: Instability of the ankle joint for example after sprain.
Material: viscose, polyamide, elastane.

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Seniorshop ApS
Søborg Hovedgade 44
2860 Søborg

Elastic ankle orthoses

Elastic ankle orthoses

Elastic ankle orthoses with open heel and toe.
Size: 1-6, measured around the ankle
1: 17-19 cm
2: 19-21 cm
3: 21-23 cm
4: 23-25 cm
5: 25-27 cm
6: 27-29 cm

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Seniorshop ApS
Søborg Hovedgade 44
2860 Søborg

Dropfoot, Elastic strap for Foot-Up

Dropfoot, Elastic strap for Foot-Up

Strong elastic strap with easylock.
The bendable indlay is placed on the shoelaces.

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Seniorshop ApS
Søborg Hovedgade 44
2860 Søborg

Dropfoot, Foot-Up, Ancle piece

Dropfoot, Foot-Up, Ancle piece

Foot-Up is a light weight help for dropfoot.

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Seniorshop ApS
Søborg Hovedgade 44
2860 Søborg

Dropfoot, footpiece to Foot-up

Dropfoot, footpiece to Foot-up

Foot-Up i a leight weight help for drop foot.

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Seniorshop ApS
Søborg Hovedgade 44
2860 Søborg

Dropfoot, Dictus

Dropfoot, Dictus

Ankelstykke til dictusbandage, dropfod. Dictusbåndet løfter foden direkte efter toeoff (tåløft). Det reducerer risikoen for at snuble over hverdagens forhindringer som dørtrin, tæpper og skæve fliser.

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Seniorshop ApS
Søborg Hovedgade 44
2860 Søborg

Dropfoot ortose

Dropfoot ortose

PP dropfoot ortoses.

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Seniorshop ApS
Søborg Hovedgade 44
2860 Søborg

Ankel brace

Ankel brace

Elastic ankle brace with closed heel and open toe.

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Seniorshop ApS
Søborg Hovedgade 44
2860 Søborg