Stockings and socks from Seniorshop ApS

Including, e.g. stockings and socks that protect the feet or wiht non-skid on the soles.


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14 product series.
Falke Sensitive Berlin Lady Knee socks

Falke Sensitive Berlin Lady Knee socks

Knee socks with wool
Str. 35-38 or 39-42
Colour Black

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Seniorshop ApS
Søborg Hovedgade 44
2860 Søborg

Falke mens sock

Falke mens sock

Suitable for sore feet and diabetes patients.
Anatomical made, with left and right toe for optimal fit.
Reinforced toe and heel.
The socks are made of high quality cotton with no itching elastics.

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Seniorshop ApS
Søborg Hovedgade 44
2860 Søborg

Bauerfeind running sock

Bauerfeind running sock

The sock has cross knitting around the ancle for stabilisation and a special knitting around increased relief of the achillesjoint.
Color: Black/grey
S: 35-38
M: 39-42
L: 43-46
XL: 47-50

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Seniorshop ApS
Søborg Hovedgade 44
2860 Søborg

Diabetessocks, Wool

Diabetessocks, Wool

Wool socks that does not tighten around the ankle.

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Seniorshop ApS
Søborg Hovedgade 44
2860 Søborg