
Scarves for use when dribbling.


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Dribblescharfs for children

Dribblescharfs for children

De dribbelbibs are trendy scafs for children in de age 0 to 13 years.
The different design ensures that the scarf does not look like a dribbelbib.
It has a backside of cottonfleece and a extra insert . To be closed in de neck with buttons in 2 positions.
Can be washes regularly and is suitable for the dryer.

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co/Holst Nielsen, Badstuestræde 8
5610 Assens

Dribbelscarfs for men

Dribbelscarfs for men

Droolscarfs in various colours for men is a dignified solution for adults who has problems with drooling. The scarfs er designed to look as casual shawls, but are made of fabrics with a absorbant function.
Has buttons in the neck

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co/Holst Nielsen, Badstuestræde 8
5610 Assens

Honni dribbel scharf for ladies

Honni dribbel scharf for ladies

A Honni is a chicque scharf, with the function of a drowling bib.
The scarf is made in a cottonfabric andhas a backside made of a doubbel cottonfleec for absorbation..
The closing in the neck is made with pushbuttons which allows more adjustments.
Can be repeatly wash and is allowed in de dryer.
Comes in several colours.

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co/Holst Nielsen, Badstuestræde 8
5610 Assens

AnneB Bibs in cotton jersey with fleece backing

AnneB Bibs in cotton jersey with fleece backing

Bibs for children, teenagers and adults.
They are made with a layer of cotton jersey on the outside and a layer of thick fleece against the skin to keep it dry.
- 4 sizes according to the needs of the child or young person
- Different colors, prints and patterns as desired
- Personalization with name or print as desired

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Apron for dining, designed as a scarf. Available in blue and burgundy.

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Danish CARE Supply A/S
Alsikevej 8
8920 Randers NV

Bandana bibs

Max Mortensen & Co. Aps