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2 product series.
Earplugs for sleep
Alpine Sleepsoft earplugs are designed for use when sleeping and minimizing unwanted noise from eg. a snoring partner. Alpine Sleepsoft is still soft and comfortable to wear.
Add to My listAskovgaard
Nørre Alle 27
2600 Glostrup
+45 21 25 43 02
Earplugs for children
Children between the ages of 3 and 12 often have a smaller ear canal and therefore it is recommended that they use a set of ear plugs made especially for children.
Alpine earplugs for children can be used in a variety of situations, such as against loud music or in other situations where children are disturbed by noise.
Nørre Alle 27
2600 Glostrup
+45 21 25 43 02