Module Insert Cushion for MobiBed
Module Insert Cushion consist of three modules and can be compared to a bean bag. Easy to shape an suits both user and surface. For users with Scoliosis or other severe deformities, this is a natural option for creating support and comfort, in the sitting or reclining position.
Cover in black 3D spacer.
Cobi Rehab
Silovej 16-18
2690 Karlslunde
+45 70 25 25 22
Positioning Cushions for MobiBed
Theese positioning cushions are made especially for use with MobiBed, but of course they can also be used in other situations.
In addition you can combine with LASAL positioning cushions.
Cobi Rehab
Silovej 16-18
2690 Karlslunde
+45 70 25 25 22
Mattress for MobiBed
The mattress consists of a Tempraflex viscoelastic foam mattress, where the nest is built up using positioning cushions. This provides the real option of creating individual positioning for the user. The same cushions can also be used for positioning in a bed.
Cobi Rehab
Silovej 16-18
2690 Karlslunde
+45 70 25 25 22
Cobi positioning Cushions
The cushions are primarily designed for neurologically injured patients and demented but both patients with much pain and as well as terminal patients benefit equally positive of the cushions. The focus has been on the usual positioning techniques and on flexibility and comfort.
The cushions retain its shape and ensures stable positioning.
Cobi Rehab
Silovej 16-18
2690 Karlslunde
+45 70 25 25 22
LASAL Embracer
The Embracer is ideal for the user, who needs extra support for the torso when sitting in the armchair and/or the wheelchair. Place the cushion embracing the user from the neck, around the shoulders and arms and closing in front of the hands. Provides support for users with a tendency to hang to one side or with arms falling down on both sides.
Add to My listCobi Rehab
Silovej 16-18
2690 Karlslunde
+45 70 25 25 22
LASAL T-Cushions
The T-Cushion is used as an abduction cushion, between the legs or for support in general of the lower limbs. Can also be used for prone position posture, where it lifts the person up ino a convenient height from the supporting surface making the position more comfortable and giving the shoulders more freedom of movement. Available in 7 sizes.
Add to My listCobi Rehab
Silovej 16-18
2690 Karlslunde
+45 70 25 25 22
LASAL Chubby Support Cushion
Slightly wedge-shaped support cushion can be used for many positions e.g. to support the arm / shoulder in either passive position or in active situations. Can also be used as an abduction cushion for sitting or lying position.
Add to My listCobi Rehab
Silovej 16-18
2690 Karlslunde
+45 70 25 25 22
LASAL Half Moon Cushions
The Half Moon Cushion is a universal support cushion, useful to support the lower and upper arm in both sitting and lying positions. In side or supine position the large Half Moon is ideal to support arms and hands and for relief of the chest. The cushions can also be used to support head, neck and shoulders.
Available in 3 sizes.
Cobi Rehab
Silovej 16-18
2690 Karlslunde
+45 70 25 25 22
LASAL Triangle Cushions
The Triangle Cushions can be used for both supine and sitting position for support or for encirclement of the user. The cushions are available in 4 sizes and can be used for several purposes for both children and adults. The cushions are relatively fixed in shape.
Add to My listCobi Rehab
Silovej 16-18
2690 Karlslunde
+45 70 25 25 22
LASAL Banana Cushions
Mouldable multipurpose cushion for support, encirclement and comfort. Usefull for all types of positioning sitting as well as lying. It is filled with flame retarded EPS beads. The inner cover is made from PU covered, breathable and water repellingpolyester. The banana shaped cushion is available in three sizes. Outer cover made from 100 cotton.
Add to My listCobi Rehab
Silovej 16-18
2690 Karlslunde
+45 70 25 25 22