Toilet seat inserts without attachment from SmartHome Aps

Raised toilet seats (loose attachments) without attachments for positioning, without detachment of the existing toilet seat.


Height measured from the upper part of the toilet bowl to the upper part of the raised toilet seat.
cm (± 2 cm)
cm (± 2 cm)
cm (± 2 cm)
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1 product series.
Geberit AquaClean seat raiser

Geberit AquaClean seat raiser

The extra soft seat prevents from getting pressure marks and is due to its special material warmer than a normal WC seat.
The soft seat is placed onto the WC seat before use - nonskidding due to perfectly matching key form of lateral edges.
Hint: Ideal for everyone, who stays on the toilet for a while and wants to prevent pressure marks.

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