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Wall mounted backrest & armrest
Wall mounted, foldable backrest and armrest. Ideal for users with similar, stable conditions and public areas. Highly hygienic and comfortable product. The cushion (XL EXTRALIGHT) results to be light, flexible an antibacterial.
Comes in 5 colours: white, red, blue, black and grey. Available in 2 finishes: anodized and stainless steel finish.
Profilosmart ApS
Vesterballevej 5
7000 Fredericia
+45 53 79 49 49
Ropox A/S
Ringstedgade 221
4700 Næstved
+45 55 75 05 00
Pressalit A/S
Pressalitvej 1
8680 Ry
+45 87 88 87 88