Walking tables with supporting table from Faaborg Rehab Technic ApS

Walking tables with upholstered surface supporting the person both in front and at the sides.


Products for children must comply with the specific demands for safety as stated in certain standards. It is the supplier of the product who has stated that the product is intended for children. The National Board of Social Services holds no responsibility in relation to this assessment.
Measured at the opening of the table.
cm (± 2 cm)
All product information is provided by the supplier. The National Board of Social Services is not responsible for either contents, origin, flaws and deficiencies, or any kind of damage that may occur from the use of the information. The National Board of Social Services has no authority to endorse products and does not assess the quality of the products. Hide this message.
2 product series.
Aina Walking Table

Aina Walking Table

Aina Walking Table are available in several models. standard, electric, extra high and extra widht

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