Slæbebremser for Rollator
Drag brakes for the Hafnia rollator.
Allows constant friction on both rearwheels and can be easily fitted and adjusted via a single finger screw
Cisi Systems A/S
Mileparken 13
2740 Skovlunde
+45 38 26 49 00

Bremsehåndtag for Rollator
Specialized handle designed for rollators, in a flexible and durable material.
Utilizes a pressdown brake system, with 2 in 1 function, both brake and parking, and allows for a second cable attachment for single handed brake function on both wheels
Cisi Systems A/S
Mileparken 13
2740 Skovlunde
+45 38 26 49 00

Slæbebremser for Optimal Rollator
Drag brakes for the Optimal rollator.
Allows constant friction on both rearwheels and can be easily fitted and adjusted via a single finger screw.
Cisi Systems A/S
Mileparken 13
2740 Skovlunde
+45 38 26 49 00