Tandems with three wheels from Faaborg Rehab Technic ApS

Tricycles for two persons where one person sits behind the another.


Combined weight of persons and cargo on the cycle
(± 2 )
cm (± 5 cm)
cm (± 5 cm)
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1 product series.
Co Pilot 3, 3-wheeled Tandem

Co Pilot 3, 3-wheeled Tandem

The 3wheel tandem, with 2 wheels in front.
Alternative solution for those who do not feel safe on a 2wheeltandem. The disabled person sits in front.
Available in two models. Additional equipment:Back support, spec. pedals, idler hub and freewheel hub in front, reverse gear, can lev. with auxiliary motor. Standard with hydraulic brake on front wheel

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Faaborg Rehab Technic ApS
Smedemestervej 9
5600 Faaborg