Padding for wheelchair arm supports

Padding supplementing the original arm supports.


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Arm cushions for armrest on wheel-chair, pressure relieving

Arm cushions for armrest on wheel-chair, pressure relieving

SAFE Med Arm pads for armrests on wheelchair molds to arm and elbow and supplies pressure relief / pressure distribution. The pleasant soft support relieves pain. Used up to stage 3. With elastic Comfor PUR cover with concealed zipper, anti-slip backside and with Velcro sewn in to fix it securely on the armrest.

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Blytækkervej 10
8800 Viborg

Stabilo Armrest

Funder Development Aps
Hjulmagervej 4A
7100 Vejle

Blake armrest pad (pair)

Blake armrest pad (pair)

Blake Medicals armrest pads reduce pressure, friction and shear on underside of forearms while providing maximum comfort.

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Wolturnus A/S
Halkærvej 24B
9240 Nibe