Grip ladders

Assistive products designed as a rope ladder mounted at the end of the bed and which are used for transferring a person in the bed.


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MANULET Multi Grip

MANULET Multi Grip

MANULET is a series of manual handling products for the active bedridden person who only needs a little help and support for transfer in bed. The products in the MANULET series are designed to be used by the bedridden person themselves.

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Direct Healthcare Group Danmark A/S
Stensmosevej 24C
2620 Albertslund

Rope ladder for bed

Rope ladder for bed

Rope ladder to help get out of bed.
Length: Total 395 cm
Ribs of a length of 65cm
Ribs width: 20 cm.
The ribs are made of white plastic.
Attach the foot of the bed.

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Seniorshop ApS
Søborg Hovedgade 44
2860 Søborg

Bed ladder with nylon rope

Bed ladder with nylon rope

Bed ladder with nylon rope and white handles. Width of the handles: 19.6 cm, length: 150 cm. Weight: 278 g. Material: Plastic.

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