Slings for standing mobile hoists from Invacare A/S

Slings that consist of one or two straps used with a standing mobile hoist.


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2 product series.
Optislings - Transfer Stand Assist

Optislings - Transfer Stand Assist

To be used with Stand Assists, where the user has a limited ability to stand

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Invacare A/S
Sdr. Ringvej 37
2605 Brøndby

Optislings - Stand Assist

Optislings - Stand Assist

For use with Stand Assist lifter. Offers safe transfer for users with some weight bearing ability, but unable to stand independently. The user should be coherent, have good body and head control and be able to grip the lift boom during transfer. Well padded. Non-slip material on the back.

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Invacare A/S
Sdr. Ringvej 37
2605 Brøndby