Accessories for body-support units from Guldmann A/S

Accessories for body-support units e.g. extension straps, loose paddings, hemiplegia mits or hemiplegia slings.


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6 product series.
Sling sleeve

Sling sleeve

To be used where special needs for gentle support of thighbone is required.

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Guldmann A/S
Graham Bells Vej 21-23 A
8200 Århus N

Padding for net sling

Padding for net sling

Padding for the net slings

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Guldmann A/S
Graham Bells Vej 21-23 A
8200 Århus N

Extension strap

Extension strap

Used in situations where a specific posture or lifting height is needed. Available in 20 and 30 cm.

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Guldmann A/S
Graham Bells Vej 21-23 A
8200 Århus N

Auxiliary straps

Auxiliary straps

To be used to pull the user back in a wheelchair. Use 2 pcs. per sling.

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Guldmann A/S
Graham Bells Vej 21-23 A
8200 Århus N



Supports the head without stimulating the neck reflexes. Sutiable for persons with no head controle.

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Guldmann A/S
Graham Bells Vej 21-23 A
8200 Århus N