Toilet arm supports, wall mounted from Seniorshop ApS

Arm supports mounted to walls.


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2 product series.
Armrest with leg

Armrest with leg

Armrest with stand which can be adjusted in height, so that it can be adapted to most users.
Easy adjustment. Simple tilt up / fold-down mechanism.
White painted steel.
Cleaning with non-abrasive detergent or a mild detergent.
Length of the armrest: 74cm
The height of the leg: 72-92cm

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Seniorshop ApS
Søborg Hovedgade 44
2860 Søborg



Armrest with stand which can be adjusted in height. so that it can be adapted to most users.
Easy adjustment. Simple tilt up / fold-down mechanism.
Armrest length: 75cm
Arm diameter: 25mm
Depth when folded: 20cm
The height of the leg: 60-70cm
Overall Height: 75.5 to 85.5 cm
Wall plate: 26x10cm

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Seniorshop ApS
Søborg Hovedgade 44
2860 Søborg