Door openers and door closers from Randi A/S

Devices, manual or electronic, that facilitate opening and closing doors.


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2 product series.
Electronic door automatics ETS 73

Electronic door automatics ETS 73

ETS 73 automatic door from ECO Schulte is a silent machine with a powerful drive and motor.
It can be used on both interior and exterior doors, as well as fire doors.
Max door width 1400 mm and max door weight 250 kg. ETS 73 can be mounted with safety sensors according to EN 16005.

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Randi A/S
Mirabellevej 3
8930 Randers NØ

Electronic door automatics ETS 42

Electronic door automatics ETS 42

ETS 42 automatic door from ECO Schulte is a quiet machine with a powerful drive and motor.
It can be used on both interior and exterior doors, as well as fire doors.
The door automation has the latest software. Via its LCD display, it can be easily programmed to the users individual needs.

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Randi A/S
Mirabellevej 3
8930 Randers NØ